Beesub.org is the structure founded by freelance graphic designer & Art Director Stéphane Faure as a full service studYah! FUCK IT! THIS IS MY BLOG!
This is the place to follow my work, see my trials, errors and success through my creative journey. This is the place where I share my process and WIP. The place where I do my shit.
The 1/3 scale AVP Queen I did for Coolprops is finally available worldwide for pre-order at Sideshow. Concept, 3D Sculpt and Engineering done by me based on the original design made by Akihito Ikeda for Studio ADI and the AVP movie.
The 1/3 scale AVP Queen I did for Coolprops is finally available worldwide for pre-order at Sideshow. Concept, 3D Sculpt and Engineering done by me based on the original design made by Akihito Ikeda for Studio ADI and the AVP movie. Quick mock up mixing my renders with official pictures of the prototype done by the amazing Coolprops team. Thanks guys. It was an awesome project to work on. Great team work and exchange during the process. I can't wait to have this huge beast in hands.