Beesub.org is the structure founded by freelance graphic designer & Art Director Stéphane Faure as a full service studYah! FUCK IT! THIS IS MY BLOG!
This is the place to follow my work, see my trials, errors and success through my creative journey. This is the place where I share my process and WIP. The place where I do my shit.
The Butcher Bot is a personal project I started some time ago, in order to practice more hard surface modeling within Maya. I decided to use the original 2d concept by Thomas Oates as a starting base. I tried my best to respect the shapes and spirit of it but decided to add details here and there as well to make it look real and believable...
I had a blast working on this project during my spare time. The challenge was to respect the mood & spirit as well as the shapes of the initial 2d concept sketch by Thomas Oates from Weta Workshop. I wanted to keep the main volume and shapes, and to add details here and there as well. The back view was missing and some areas were just roughly suggested in the sketch so I needed to invent it and figure out how all the parts could be connected and work together. Fun process for sure!...