_____ Blog / beesub.org

Graphic Design & Art Direction


Beesub.org is the structure founded by freelance graphic designer & Art Director Stéphane Faure as a full service studYah! FUCK IT! THIS IS MY BLOG!

This is the place to follow my work, see my trials, errors and success through my creative journey. This is the place where I share my process and WIP. The place where I do my shit.

_____Keep in touch with me...
Werewolf test
From 2D sketch to 3D

image test

From 2D to 3D: testing the process

Last year I started to draw again after 6-7 years without seriously holding a pen. The first sketches were really rusty and it was really hard for me to get back into it (see my previous posts). After a while, I started to enjoy the process again and I felt more comfortable with it. As I was getting better at drawing I also kept in mind the possibility to turn my 2D sketch into a 3D piece...

Beauty Shot_____

First 3D test from my own drawings...

This "Werewolf" head is the first one I made just to test the process. Taking a 2D sketch to turn it into a fully finished 3D piece. Obviously this one is still WIP as I would need to fix some areas here and there, add textures and so on... I learned a lot during the process. Especially that something that looks good in 2D, doesn't necessarily look good in 3D! I needed to adjust the forms and proportions of the drawing to make it look decent in 3D.